In this paper we discribe the characteristics of the time scries and frild distributions of the coupling cross corrclation intensity of the anomaly of the net sea ice area index in East Antarctic (1973-1989) with the summer (from May to August) rainfall amount at one hundred and sixty Chinese meteorological stations with the sea ice adyancing or lagging the rainfall fourtyeight months. It is foud that there are some close relations between the abnormal varition of the East Antarctic sea ice and the summer rainfall in China as follows.1. The rapid formation of the East Antarctic sea ice in March (a transitional period from summer to winter in the southern hemisphere) is closely related to the rainfall in May in the East Asia subtropical rain zone (south of the Yangzi riyer and north of the Naniing mountains) which is designated as region Ⅱa. If the sea ice is unusually severe or light in Marth, the rainfall in region Ⅱa will be correspondingly tinusually high or low later in May. The maximum correlation coefficient is 0.76 at Yongan station, which is an important indicator for the intensity and the starting time of the East Asia monsoon in China. In March 1973 the sea ice condition was the seyerest of the same months from 1973 to 1989 and so was the rainfall in region Ⅱa in May of that year since 1949.2. Summer rainfall in China is the comprehensive reflection of the intensities of the East Asia monsoon, the lndia monsoon and the westerly belt. It is also an important indicator for the successive sea ice in early summer in the southern hemisphere. To forecast the summer sea ice condition is yery important for the Chinese Antarctic Expedition.3. There is a high correlation between the rainfall in China and the East Antarctic sea ice of 1 to 3 years before. It is an important basis for further studying the climate change in China.4. There is a very high correlation of the Australia cold high and the East Antarctic sea ice of 2 to 3 months before. The Australia cold high is one of the important indicators for the East Asia monsoon's Yariation, so the East Antarctic sea ice could also be considered as an important indicator for the East Asiamonsson as well as the Australia cold high.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology
East Antarctic Sea ice, China, Summer Rainfall