Motion sickness(MS)symptoms,
illusory self- motion sensation orpitch vection ,vertical optokinetic nystagmus(VOKN) ,heart rate
and spectra of R-R in-tervals were obtained in 24 healthy subjects(4 females ,20 males)while
they were view-ing a large optokinetic screen field moving white random-dots display. The
optokineticstimulus with velocities of 30,45,60 ,or 8 0°/s and two directions, upward or
down-ward ,of motion were presented.The vestibular stimuli was used in a parallel
swing(0.22Hz,3.9m/s2).Eye movements of the subjects sitting upright were measured with
theEOG technique. The mean velocities of the slow phases of vertical OKN elicited by up-ward
motion were significantly higher than those elicited by downward motion at stimulusvelocities
between 3 0 and 80°/s. The decrease of the gain of VOKN as a function of in-creasing stimulus
veloities was showed. These rusults suggest that diretional asymmetry inVOKN exists in the
slow OKN system. The average magnitudes of pitch vection increasedsignificantly in up-down
asymmetry at stimulus velocities of 4 5~80°/s. Different op-tokinetic speeds showed
different effects on the symptoms of MS. Incidence of symptomsand average scores of MS
symptoms are largest at optokinetic stimulus speed of 4 5°/s.No significant changes of heart
rate, power spectra of R-R intervals were found duringexposures to vertical optokinetic
stimulation , however ,during the parallel swing simula-tion they were higher than before the
stimulation. The causes of upward preponderance ofVOKN and pitch vection during vertical
optokinetic stimulation were discussed based onthe visual- vestibular modulation theory. It
was suggested that the asymmetry of visual-vestibular function might be one of the primary
etiological-factors of space MS.
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
:visual- vestibular function ,optokinetic nystagmus
, motion and space motion sickness , pitch vection ,illusion