The year or 1994 is the 50th anniversary or three gcologisty killed by the banditsin the western part of Guizhou Province. Mr. Xu Deyou was born on Doc. 8. 1908, in DanYang county of Jiangsu. Young xu Deyou was gifted. At 18, he went to shanghai andstudied at Chengzhong Middle School. In 1927, because of involvement in the student'smovement, he was forced to leave the school. The same year, Meanwhile he took to Fu danUniversity, majored in foreign literature. Xu Deyou went law courses in dongwuUniversity, In 1930 Xu Deyou graduated. During his university day, Mr. Xu Deyou tookan active part in campus activitics, such as organizing art academy together with Tian Hanand hong Shen, publishing journals, etc. He was also a free-lance writer.In 1931 Mr. Xu Deyou went to France and studied in the Geology Department ofUniversite dc Montpellier. Due to his talents and hard work, Mr. Xu Deyou got hisMaster's degree in 1935. After that he went to Paris and joined the French Geology Association, and learned from Pro. Joleaud, the subject of selfish fossil, another Pro. Menhikdff,the subject of coral fossil in Paris University. Two academic essays in French were published in the Journal or French Grology Association and won good remarks from hisFrench collogues.In July 1935, Mr. Xu Deyou returned to China. From 1935 to 1944, thesE eight yearswere the glorious ones for geologist Xu De You. He accomplished a lot in his professionalhelds. As a geologist, he left his marks on Southern China Provinces in field work. Mr XuDeyou chose paleontology or Triassic stratum as his main resarch subject. Henamed manyunit terms of Treassie after carrully identifying, the names still being used till now.During those years, because of his outstanding scientific research ability, Mr. XuDeyou got two academic rewards: one was the Ninth Chao Yazeng Research Award in1940, issued by China Geology Association, the other, the Second Ding Wenjiang Commemorate Award, issued by the Central Research institute in 1944. Mr.Xu Deyou's publieation record was also prominent.Thcrc were 31 essays on Trias among his academic artieles. All these essays are precious literature in the history of the Chinese geological development.When Mr. Xu Deyou was killed by the bandits, he was only 37, a great loss to theChinese geology. To commemorate Mr. Xu Deyou and the other two geologists, in1982,the 60th anniversary or the Chinese Geology Association, the Guizhou Provineial Geology Bureau and the Geology Association rebuilt and redecorated the tombs of the threegeologists. They will be remembered for ever.