the Hongshuizhuang Formation of Middle-proterozoic Erathem distributed Widely in Yan Mountain area, except those reports about the absentee of this Formation or the unconformity with the Iying Wumishan Formation in cast Yan Mountain, the published documents indicats that they are all conformity with the Iying strats in other areas. The authors finds firstly the base-conglomarate in the basi. of the Hongshuizhang Formation and the weathering crust on the top of the lying wumishan formation, and on the bases of these above they determine that there is a unconformity between the Hongshuizhuang Formation and the wumishan Formation. And combine the data above with followed such as the Honshuizhang Formation is absent or is unconformity with the Wumishan Formation in the west Yan Mountain, this paper advances that the rise of the crust after deposited Wumishan Formation may be regional in the south Yan Mountain, and suggest that this rise names Zhuolu Rise. And this regional unconformity offers also the conclusive evidence for the further division of the Jixian System of the Middle Proterozoic Erathem.
Basc-conglomarate Hongshuizhuang Formation, Middle-proterozoic system, Zhuolu Hebei.