本文是欧洲火箭专家Rolf Engel所著系列文章中的第二篇。苏联的SS-18导弹系统有两种类型:一类是大当量弹头的,原计划用于摧毁美国的大力神导弹基地;另一类是分导式多弹头的,它对美国的永久性基地构成严重的威胁。如果要削减洲际弹道导弹(ICBM),苏联将只削减数量有限的SS-18。本文对该导弹系统的研制、部署、当量大小以及弹体结构等作了简要的分析和介绍。
The Soviet Union developed three different types of fourth-generation ICBM in parallel: SS-17, SS-19 and SS-18. The SS-18 weapon system has been designed in two forms. One has a high-yield payload and was originally intended to destroy US TITAN fields; the other has ten MIRV warheads and poses serious threat to the US military infrastructure.This paper gives the brief introduction of development, deployment, yield and configuration of the SS-18 system.