中国目前正在研制的长征二号E运载火箭是长征火箭家族中的新的一员,它以可靠性很高的长征二号C为基础,加大芯级,并捆绑四个液体助推器,运载能力相当于美国航天飞机的 1/4。长征二号E面向国际航天发射市场,主要将用于发射第二代商用通信卫星。这项研制计划将为我国大型新型运载火箭的研制打下基础。本文介绍了该火箭的结构、工艺、运载能力及发射等问题。
The Long March 2E (LM-2E) launch vehicle, a new member of the Chinese LongMarch family, is based on the highly reliable LM-2C. With four strap-on liquidboosters attached to the stretched core stage, it has a payload capabality of about 1 / 4 ofthe US Shuttle's, and is being offered to the world space launching market mainly as a launcher of the second generation of commercial communication satellites in the 1990s. The program will lay down the technical foundation for the development of new larger launch vehicles.