太原枣沟T_D-6井岩溶水为锶矿泉水,也是山西迄今发现的第一大流量饮用优质矿泉水井,水质好,低钠,水量大,保证可采资源量达2.4万m ̄3/d,埋藏深,水质不易受到污染,而有利于开发利用和长期占领矿泉水市场。
Zaogou Well T_D-6 karst water is considered as Sr-bearing mineral water,and it is highquality potable mineral water well which possesses the largest yield of water found up to nowin Shanxi province, Excellent water quality,low-Na,large enough water volume ,deep buriedand no pollution are Zaogou spring’s advantages. The mineable total resdurces may be ex-pected to 24000 m ̄3/d,and it can be exploited and utilized.