Abstract A reversed pleochroism phlogopite is discovered for the first time in Houxianyu borate deposit, Liaoning province, in the course of mineralogical researches on the endogenetic borate deposits across the Liaoning- Jilin region. Unlike normally pleochronic phlogopite,the anomalously optieal mineral tends to increase in amount progresively towards the bodies until almost entirely taking the place of the former inside them. Support for the increase is drawn through electric probe and Mossbaure spectra examinations revealing that,when vacuities take place in the Al3+ sites of the crystal tetrahedrons of normal phlogopite, Fe3+ will displace the Al3+ into the tetrahedrons. Under the Al - poor oxidative conditions, once the Fe3+ displacements exceed 22% the normally pleochronic phlogopite would convert into reversely pleochronic ones. As genesis- definting mineral,this sort of phlogopite As genetic ty pomorphic mineral,may also be a guide mineral to prospecting for endogenetic borate deposits.