
双通道反应Ba+CH_2ClBr的产物态分布及反应机理 被引量:1

The Product State Distribution and Mechanism of Two Channel Reaction Ba+CH_2ClBr
摘要 本文在交叉分子束反应条件下利用激光诱导荧光技术对双通道反应Ba+CH2ClBr进行研究.通过对LIF激发谱的计算机拟合得到了产物振转态分布和反应通道分支比.通过简单的动力学模型和信息论理论分析,发现两个反应通道的机理不同并对其原因进行了详细讨论. Abstract In a beam-beam scattering experiment and under the singlercollision condition the twochannel reactionhas been studied using laser induced fluorescence(LIF). The ro-vibrational distributions as wellas branching ratio of BaCl and Basr has been obtained by means of LIF spemim triulahon.The product energy partitions of BaCl and BaBr arc fV(BaCl)=21%. fv(saBr)= 23%.fR(BaCl) = 9%.fR(Basr) = 17% respectively and the branching ratio is p(a) / p(b) == 0.39. It isfound that (1) besides the dynamiC constraints for the vibrational and rotational excitations ofthe products there is another independent dynamic constraint for the branching ratio; (2)theco-linear intermediate configuration in channel (a) produces BaCI mainly in lower rotationallevers and the higher rotational excited BaBr are produced mostly through a bent intermediateconfigUration in channel (b); (3) the vibrahonal distributions or BaCl and BaBr are affected byone and tWo dynamic conStraints resistively. It implies that the different mechanisms may becaused by the different configuration change of CH2ClBr during the reaction.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期14-21,共8页 化学物理学报(英文)
基金 国家自然科学基金
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