In this paper, the quantum chemistry method introduced within external electric perturbation field approach is used to calculate the electron polarizability of straight-chainpolyene H-(CH = CH)n-H(n= 1, 2, ……, 15). Further, we adopt the α(l), the electronpolarizability of ethene, as the value of reference, using the relational expresion α(n) = a(n) · α(1) · n to discuss the varying rule of electron polarizability of σ, π and total electron system with the increasing of n. The results show: (1) the aσ(n) approach a constant 1 very much, i.e. ασ(n) = ασ(1) · n; (2) the aπ(n) increases obviously at first, then the increasing vilocity decreases gradually, when the n is over a certain value n0 the απ(n) tend to a limit, i.e. whenn <n0, απ(n) = aπ(n) · απ(l) · n and aπ(n)>aπ(n-1), when n≥n0, απ(n) = aπ(n0) · απ(1) · n; total valence electrons' is same as π electrons'. Otherwise, we use the picture of displacement of gravity-center of electron distribution to describe this conclusion.
Acta Chimica Sinica