本文通过对海河流域土壤中硫及其形态含量的分析结果,计算出该流域土壤中硫的库存量为7.90×10^(10)kg。并以径流带入量、成土母质、人畜粪、化肥施入量、大气降尘及植物的残留量等因素为对土壤中硫的贡献;同时,以径流的带出、大气的扬尘量及植物体茎、叶因素为硫的迁出部分,以计算出海河流域土体中硫的进出量为0.68×10~9kg/yr 和1.71×10~9kg/yr,以此来研究其流通关系。
The storage of sulphur in soil Haihe river basin,is 7.9×10^(10)kg,calculated according to the ananytical result to the amount sulphur in cach form.The inputamount of sulphur is 0.68×10~9kg/year,based on parental materials,the excrement of human body other living things,applyment of chemical fetiliger,inflow by run off,air deposit and plant residue as the source of sulphur in soils,and output amount of sulphur is 1.71×10~9kg/yrar by run- off,dust-raising of air,absorbment of plant as the output of sulphur from soil.