In this paper, the growth and development of plateau pika (Ochotcna curzoniae) from laboratory colonies were reported and compared with that in the field and other speeies o pikas (O.rufescens rufescens, O.princeps) frcm laboratory colonies. The growths can be divided into two:the rapid-growth period (at 0-30 days of age) and the slowgrowth period (after 36 days). During 0-5 days, the growth rate is highet in this period than in other ones, but the highest growth rate of ear length occurs at 5-10 days of age. Length of ear and hind foot reaches the maximum values at 40-50 and55-65 days of age respectively. After 80 days, the growth of body length shows very slowly and tends to stop growing. According to the analysis and calcu-lation, the regressive equations of giowth of the pika's body weight in different ages are:
W = A + Bt = 10.7 + 2.6t (0≤t≤10 days of age)
W = A + Bt= 1.8 + 3.6t (10≤t≤30 days of age)
W = A + Blnt= -18.274 + 37.575lnt (30≤t≤65 days of age) W = A-Ce'Bt = 220-95.97e^(-0.0024241) (65≤t≤105 days of age)
Based on the study of the giowth and development of plateau pika, we divided the process of its giowth and development into 4 different stages.
According to the comparison, the growth speed is faster in the laboratory than in the field. The giowth peiiod of plateau pika is sholter then that of Afghan pika (Ochotona rufescens rufescens) and North American pika (O.princeps).
These results suggetsed that the characteristics of growth and development of plateau pika is profitable for taming and being utilized as a new laboratory animal.
Acta Theriologica Sinica