The intravenous urography was made on twenty generalanaesthetized adult dogs. Ventrodorsal view radiographys were taken withcompression method principally. The results are as follows: Exposurefactors: KVP=body thickness (cm) + 55 and mAs=50 (midspeedintensifying screens with calcium tungstate). The contrast medium (60 %Co. meglumine diatrizoate) at dosage of 0.50~0. 75 mL/kg was injectedinto external metatarsal or saphenous veins within one minute or so. Theoptimum time for radiographing the renal parenchymas, renal pelves andwhole urinary tract are about 1, 15 and 30 minutes, respectively. Theleft kidney is commonly at the level of L_(2-4) while the right one is at thelevel of L_(1-5). The length of left kidney is 8.06±0.91 cm and that ofright kidney is 7.78±0.94 cm. The width of left kidney is 4.91±0.74 cmcomparing with the right one 4.58±0.57 cm. The kidneys are roughlythree times of the length of the second lumbar vertebrae (L_2). Both theureters are about 20~25 cm in length and 0.2~0.4 cm in width.
intravenous urography
Co. meglumine diatrizoate