俄罗斯滨海区的志留系,指早志留世的科尔顿金组,仅见于波格拉尼齐内()地区的西南科尔顿克河( )南、北两侧的河间地区,有可能向西延入中国黑龙江省绥芬河市以南南天门一带的十八盘。在滨海区其他地方不存在早志留世地层。它是一套含有笔石印痕、腕足类、三叶虫等古生物依据的硅质—碳酸盐—火山—陆源建造。代表位于古亚洲洋中的兴凯地体在其演化过程中,在早志留世的岛弧造山带内部发生的一次弧后拉张。滨海区的志留系,已成为兴凯地体陆缘增生带的组成部分。
The Silurian of Russia on the littoral area that is the early Silurian Group was only found on the river area of the south-western which may extendwestward as far as the Shibapan area of the Nantianmen,southern Suifenhe City,Heilongjiang province,China.There is not the early Silurian stratum in other littoral areathat is a set of Siliceous-carbonate-volcano-terrigenous formation,associated with the grapto-lite,prints,brachiopods and trilobitas,which is a back-arc extension of the Xingkai terrain inthe early Silurian island arc-orogenic belt during Pal-Asia ocean evolutionary process.TheSilurian on the littoral area has been a part of the Xingkai terrain epicontinental aggradation-al belt.
Jilin Geology