慢性肺心病刀性发作期,有多种原因易发(Multiple organ Failure,MoF)。本组收治肺心病560例,并发MOF253例,发生率45.1%。死亡于MOF92例,病死率36.3%,并随脏器功能衰竭数目增多而增加。4个以上脏器功能衰竭的病死率100%。本文对肺心病急性发作期并发MOF的发病,如何降低MOF发病率,减少病死率进行讨论。
There are several causes for corpulmonale associatad with multiple organ failure(MOF) at its acute stage.In our series of 560 cases of corpulmonale.253 were complicated with MOF,withan incidence of 45.1% and 92 died of MOF.with the mortality of 36.3% and the mortality increased with the increeasing number of failure organ.with the mortality of 100% for over 4 failure organs.Also the pathogensis of corpuimonale complicated with MOF and themeasures to decrease the MOF incidence and the mortality are discussed.