Contra-rotating Z-drivc propeller (CRZDP,Patent) is a new advanco propulaion unit developed by China Ship Scientifid Research Center. It combines the excollent manocuvrability of conventional Z-drive propulsion unit with the high propulsiveeffieiency of contra-rotating propeller. The present paper describes the struetures features and excellent performance of the unit.Based on the results of practical operation,tbe performance and economy benefit of the automobilc-ferries with CRZDP are alsointroduced in the
Contra-rotating Z-drivc propeller (CRZDP,Patent) is a new advanco propulaion unit developed by China Ship Scientifid Research Center. It combines the excollent manocuvrability of conventional Z-drive propulsion unit with the high propulsiveeffieiency of contra-rotating propeller. The present paper describes the struetures features and excellent performance of the unit.Based on the results of practical operation,tbe performance and economy benefit of the automobilc-ferries with CRZDP are alsointroduced in the paper
Jiangsu Ship