
中国丝鰕虎鱼属之一新种 被引量:1

摘要 本文报道了在我国海南省发现的丝鰕虎鱼属一新种:头带丝鰕虎鱼 Chypto-centrus cephalotaenius,并附有中国10种丝鰕虎鱼的检索表。 A new species of Cryptocentrus Ehrenberg collected from the coastof China is described in this paper. A key to Cryptocentrus for the Known speciesin China is presented. The description of the new species is as follows: Cryptocentrus cephalotaenius Ni, sp. nov. (Attached fig.) D. Ⅵ, Ⅰ-18-19; A. Ⅰ-18-20; P. 19; Ⅴ. Ⅰ-5. L. 1.121-128: L. tr. 30-33; predor-sal without scales. Depth 5.7-6.5 in length, head 4.1-4.2. Snout 4.5-5.0 in head, eye 4.3-4.6. This new species resembles to the Cryptocentrus gymnocephalus (Bleeker) re-corded from Indonesia (Djakarta), India(Madras, Mergui Archipelapo), Thailand(Koh Sichang) and China (Hongkong), but differs from the latter in having twoblack streaks behind eye (vs. without); five transverse bands on the side of body(vs. three ones); with purple, red and black three longitudinal bands on the cen-tral part of anal fin(vs. red and blue two ones); ventral fin shorter than head (vs.longer); head 1.3-1.5 in the length of caudal fin (vs. about 2). Holotype No. 65-0998, length without caudal 96 mm.Allotype No. 65-0550, length without caudal 97.5 mm,Paratypess No. 65-0799, length 89mm, and No. 65-0999. length 91mm, All specimens collected from Maling, Sanya city, Hainan Province, on December 4, 1965. Holotype and allotype are kept in East China Sea Fisheries ResearchInstitute. Paratypes are kept in Shanghai Fisheries University.
作者 倪勇
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第3期239-243,共5页 Journal of Fisheries of China
关键词 丝ja虎鱼 新种 海南 Goby Cryptocentrus cephalotaenius Ni new species Hainan
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