This article described the fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), histology (FNAH) and ultra structurology (FNAU) under the ultrasonical guidance performed in 84 patients with hepatic and pancreatic malig nant lesions. The positive rate of FNAC was 91- 66% (77/84), that of FNAH was 89. 40% (75/84) and of FNAU was 68. 75 % (22/32). The histological examination could supplement limitation of cytological examination, which was unable to confirm the histological classification of the tumour. It was demonstrated that ultrastructurology would provide 12. 50% (4/32) more di agnostic information than that of original diagnosis by histology. The above mentioned three examinations could supplement with each other. The positive diagnostic rate might be raised to 97. 61 % (82/84) by menas of these three composite methods.
Jiangsu Medical Journal