nfluenza virus, as a pathogen, is characterized by its antigenic drift,which enables itself with high infectivity. The levels of antibody againstinfluenza virus are an important factor for prophylaxis and treatment ofinfluenza. In four seasons from spring of 1991 to winter of 1992, total 1279serum samples were collected from young men 18-25 years old in Beijingarea. All of the samples were tested for hemagglutinin inhibition antibody(HIAb) by using antigens of influenza virus-A/Beijing/1/86(H_1N_1),A/Jinan/15/90(H_3N_2)and B/Shanghai/24/88. The results showed that the positiverates of HIAb against A_1, A_3 and B(HIAbA_1,A_3,B)were 83%, 59%and56%,and the GMT (Geometric Mean Titer) 38.1, 24.9 and 21,respectively.These three antibodies came up to peak titer in spring and fall: the peaktime of HIAbA_1 was in spring, HIAbA_3 in spring and fall and HIAbB infall. In addition, we surveyed the morbidity of respiratory infectiolis disea-ses of the 1279 young men. The disease incidence was 58%(736/1279) andthe peak morbidity was 53%(393/736)in winter and 30%(224/736) in su-mmer. The surveillance indicated that there are cases infected by influenzavirus A_1,A_3 and B through over the year, but mainly in winter and summ-er.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army
lnfluenza virus
Anti-hemagglutinin antibody
Antigenic variations of influenza virus
GMT value (Geometric mean titer)