The small watershed harness undertaken by household are at stablenumber, being without great fluctuation, and that the benefit more thaninput, which enhances peasants in mountainous region to take off poor-ness and get rich.The households undertaking the harness are transittingfrom harness-type to the ecnomy-type through the construction of capitalfarmland, orchard, grass planting and animal raising, and the building ofcommercial forest, etc. .The province accepted the combined ways of var-ious types,including establishment of special team in soil and water con-servation to uphold harness year in year out, harness being concentratedor in stretch using accumulated labours according to unified plan of com-mune or village,partial recover of soil and water conservation investmentby building commercial economic land through establishment of co-opera-tive body with the share of source, foundation, manpower and techno-logy, setting of land development company to manage land in market ma-chanism and change manage station of water conservancy and soil conser-vation into economic entities. Only if could these types be complementedeach other, better results may be obtained.
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation