
综合开发四川三江 实现生态良性循环

Exploiting the three rivers in Sichuan comprehensively and realizing virtuous circulation in ecology
摘要 四川省金沙江、雅砻江和大渡河三江地区蕴藏的水能资源,不仅总量和平均值,都在世界上遥遥领先,居绝对优势,无愧为全球之冠,而且还有矿业、农业、林业和牧业等各种自然资源相互配套。目前,这个金三角地区还是待开垦的处女地,各种水能资源、矿业资源和生物资源还在沉睡。要打开这个三江地区的资源宝库,实现全川以至全长江流域的经济振兴,必须首先抓住开发三江水能这个龙头。一是总结历史经验,坚定不移地把优先发展水能作为开发四川能源的指导方针;二是作出最大努力,采取一切措施,扎扎实实做好全面开发的准备工作;三是改革办电体制,扩大“以电养电”的范围,放宽引进外资的政策。只有这样,才能大步加快三江水能资源的开发,实现生态良性循环。 The water energy resources contained in the areas of Jinsha River, Yalong River and Dadu River of Sichuan Province hold a safe lead and have absolute predominance in the world in either total amount and the average value,and it is thought as the most on the earth,besides these there are mutual conveyance of natural resources among mining,farming, forestry and husbandry,etc..Now the golden delta is still a virgin land to be reclaimed,various resources of water energy,mining and ecology are sunk in sleep.To open the treasure house of resources and to realise the vigorous development of economy in the partial watershed of Sichuan Province or even the whole watershed of Yangtze River,it is needed to catch the key that is to exploit the water energy of the rivers.It is sug- gested:first,to summarize the historical experiences and to take the un- fliching development of water energy in Sichuan Province in priority as the guide policy;secondly,to prepare strongly for the comprehensive exploitation with the greatest effort and all the measures available;third- ly,to reform the system of electricity management,to expand the exten- tion“to support electricity with electricity”,and to soften the policy in introduction of foreign funds.It is said that,only in this way,the ex- ploitation of water energy resource of the three rivers could be accelarat- ed in large scale,realizing the virtuous circulation in ecology.
作者 张广钦
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 1989年第5期34-39,共6页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
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