用血管束植入和不植入血管束的神经移植段修复兔25mm长的坐骨神经缺损,采用 了微血管造影、染色、再生神经的组织形态和电生理等检查方法,证实血管植入神经移植段可早期恢 复移植神经段的血运,对移植神经的再生有明显的促进作用。
A experiment of a nerve graft segment with a bundle of vascular implanted or no - implanted repairing 25 millimetre long shortage of the sciatic nerve in the rabbit was be studied. By means of capillary radiography, dyeing tissue formation of regenerated nerve and electronphysiology the result indicated that the nerve graft segment with a bundle of vascular implanted could accelerate evielently to resume the blood flow of the nerve graft segment in the early stage and regenerate the transplanted nerve.
Journal of Lanzhou Medical College