介绍了汽车起重机变幅油缸CAD系统的开发工作。其中包括变幅油缸总体方案的优化设计; 变幅油缸零部件的优化设计; 变幅油缸设计数据库、图形库的建立和使用; 变幅油缸设计软件、零件图、装配图生成软件的开发研究。
A CAD System of derricking cylinder of truck crane is introduced in this paper, which is developed by the authors. Besides the design software of derricking cylinder, the system also contains the following subsystems: the optimun design of general structure; the data base and the graphic libray of designing the cylinder; the generation software package of the assembly drawing and the machine drawings of all parts in the cylinder.
Journal of Liaoning Institute of Technology(Natural Science Edition)