
危害油松的一种新叶蜂(膜翅目:松叶蜂科) 被引量:13

A New Species of the Genus Diprion(Hymenoptera:Diprionidae)from China
摘要 本文记述松叶蜂属一新种——靖远松叶蜂Diprionjingyuanensis。文中附有形态特征图两幅。 In the present paper a new species of the genus Difrion,D. jingyuanensis isdescribed, which is a serious pest of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.in Gansu and ShanxiProvinces in China.Diprion jingyuanensis sp.nov.Female: Head black;antenna black with scape and pedicel yellowish;palpi deep yellow;mandible dark red except for dorsal surface. Thorax black with prothorax deep yellow;winghyaline;stigma yellow apically and black basally,in the black part there is a white spot;veins dark yellow, Abdomen black with terga 1,2,8,lateral parts of tergum 3;and sterna3~5 deep yellow. pubescence on head and thorax deep yellow.Anterior margin of clypeus deeply and arcuately emarginated;rami of segments 7 to 11about as long as each length of their respective segment;median fovea oval, moderatelydeep;lateral,coronal and transverse sutures distinct;OOL:POL: OCL=2:1:1.3.pubescence on clypeus,prothorax and mesonotum longer and denser,Lancet as in fig.1-1 punctures on head and thorax coarse and dense,nearly rugose; punctures on abdominalterga very sparse,on lateral parts of terga and sterna dense and coarse.Body length about 10 mm;antenna 21 to 23-segmented,apical 2~3 segments without raml.Male:Color of head,wings and pubescence similar to female;thorax and abdomen en-tirely black;legs black with tibiae and tarsi deep yellow;rami of segments 1 to 11 each about10 times length of their respective segment;OOL :POL:OCL=2.6:2.6:1; punctureson thorax coarser and denser,rugose;punctures on abdomen coarser and more numerous.Penis valve as in fig.1-2.Other characters as for the female.Body length about 8 mm;antenna 23-segmented,with apical 1~2 segments without rami.Holotype♀,Gansu Province,Jingyuan County,30.Ⅵ. 1989,Zhang You leg;Allotype♂,same data as for holotype.Paratypes 4♀♀,1♂,same data as for holotype. Paratypes13♀♀,2♂♂,Shanxi Province,Qinyuan County,Ⅳ,1992~1993,Zhao Jinlong leg.Thetype specimens are deposited in the insect collection of the Forest Protection Research Insti-tute,the Chinese Academy of Forestry.Hosts:Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. The new species resembles Diprion liuwanensis Huang et Xiao,but differs from the lat-ter in the color of the fore wing and the lancet and penis valve.
作者 萧刚柔 张友
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第6期663-665,共3页 Forest Research
关键词 森林虫害 膜翅目 松叶蜂科 叶蜂 油松 Hymenoptera,Symphyta,Diprionidae,Difrion,sawfly, Pinus tabulae-formis
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