Abstract Bed-side echocardiogram in the cardiac emergency was very necessary. It could not only supply the anatomical information of the cardiac cavities,valves and the large blood vessels and the dynamics parameters of the blood stream for the valvular heart diseases (rheumatic,congenital deformity and senile degenerative calcification),the valvular damage of the infectious endocarditis,rupture of the chordae tendineae of the mitral valve,acute myocardial Infarction,rupture of the aortic sinus aneurysm,aortic dissection,pericardial temponade,acute myocardial infarction and its compliCations, the identification and management of the cardiac tumor in emergency, the emergency operation of the cardiac wound, the percutaneuous balloon mitral valvotomy,paracentesis and localization of the interatrial septum,ultrasound echocardiograpby and colour Doppler echocardiography, but also supply timely, rapid; and direct images. Now, the dad side echocardiogram had became the imdispensable,the most popular,the most rapid and the most effective method of the diagnostic technique for the cardiac emergency.