Effect of single anl double plant deposit-transplanting and re-main ingg-seedling in rice seedling bed were studied in this experiment. The results showed that leaf area and leaf area index of single plant in treatment of double plant deposit-transplanting and remaining-seedling were higher than those in other treatments in both tillering primary and flourish periods, the leaf area indexes were 2.69 and 7 .22 respectiyely in the twoperiods. The amounts of tilltering-becoming ear of single plant in treatment of single plant deposit-transplanting were significant higher than that in treatment of double plant deposit-transplanting at P<0.01 level. Spikelet amounts per ear, bearing percentage and economic yields (F=17.25(**) ) in remaining-seedling treatment were significant higher than those in transplanting treatment at P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.0l level respectively.There were not signifi cant differences between single plant and double deposit-transplanting treatments. It is suggested that the technology of remaining-seed ling on rice seedling bed be spreaded greetly in paddycultivating regions.
Single and double Plant deposit-transplanting
remain ing-seedling on rice seedling bed
trans planting