美国莱科明(Lycoming)公司生产的 ALF502R5型发动机,是一种双转子、高涵道比燃气涡轮发动机。它利用两级低压涡轮带动的齿轮减速系统驱动一个单级风扇,单台推力为6 970磅。英国宇航公司生产的 BAe146—100和200型飞机上各装用4台ALF502R5型发动机。
Following the introduction of BAe-146-100,since the ALF502R5 type engine,produced by Lycoming Corporation of America,put into service in Lanzhou,Shanghai and Hohhot as of the end of 1986,the three users have commonly reflected the frequent failures of this type of engine,with high rate of engine shut dawn in the air,much of abnormal changes of engines (due to failures)and low reliability of use.In order to sum up experience,further improve and enhance its operating reliability,and ensure safety and regularity of flight,now a brief introduction with analysis is made relating to the reason of failure often happened in the use and maintenance work of recent years by the Inner Mongolia (Branch) of Air China,the measures taken as well as improvement and enhancement of reliability of the ALF502R5 type engine.