In this paper,the Antarctic sea ice is divided into four regions:SPI1,the eastern Antarctic region;SPI2,centered at the Ross Sea;SPI3,centered at the Weddell Sea;SPI4,the whole Antarctic sea region.The Arctic Sea ice is divided into three regions:NPI1 on the Pacific-side;NPI2 on the Atlantic-side;NPI3,the whole Arctic sea region.In this paper,by the mathematical statistical methods,the SIGRID polar sea ice data provided by WDC-A are used to analyze the interrelations between sea ice among the Arctic and Antarctic regions. It is found that ,very complicated interactions exist between sea ice of the Arctic and Antarctic Regions with the most outstanding characteristics as follows: The vibration source of the interactions between two Poles' sea ice is NPI2.SPI3 is the positive feedback center affecting the Antarctic sea ice.SPI2 is the negative feedback center affecting on two Poles' sea ice. The strongest interactions among NPI2,SPI3 and SPI2 make a quasi-periodic intensity variation between sea ice of the Antarctic and Arctic with their cycle period of 5 ̄6 years. This cycle period is just coincident with the principal period of NPI2 and SPI3 variations themselves. An oscillation relationship forms among NPI2,SPI3 and SPI2. The oscillation between SPI3 and SPI2 is of zonal nature while the oscillation between NPI2 and SPI3 or SPI2 is of meridional nature. This kind of oscillation is not at the same time but with a longer lag time difference.NPI2 is about 0.5 ̄1 year lag to SPI2;SPI3 is 2 ̄12 months and 24 ̄48 months lag to SPI2;and SPI3 is 0.5 ̄2 years lag to NPI2.
s Arctic, Antarctic, sea ice, interaction.