Highly transparent and conducting polyaniline (PAn)/ polyethylene terephthalate (PET) composite films were prepared by chemical polymerization in oxidant solutions by dipping pretreated PET film into an aqueous solution of HCl,oxidizing agent and aniline.This technique is a very good tool for obtaining transparent and conducting polymer film.For the polyaniline layer of the PAn / PET composite films, surface resistivity which was measured by four probe method reached 103 ̄ 104Ω/at room temperature. ThePAn/PET composite films were investigated by cyclic voltametry, and the Cyclic voltammograms of the PAn / PET composite films in aqueous solution showed that the polyaniline layer had good oxidating-reducing reversibility as well as stability at ambient temperature.Both of the electrical conductivity and the mechanical property of the PAn / PET composite films which we developed are better than those of the PAn / PET bilayer films formed by coating a polyaniline solution on PET film as mentioned in literature.UV-visible absorption spectra of the PAn layer in the PAn / PET composite films were measured when the composite films were treated with aqueous solutions at various pH value. When the PH value of the aqueous solutions was decreased, the peak at 320 nm, which is due to the π→π* transitions of the benzenoid ring in the imino-1, 4-phenylene (TP), decreases in nit6nsity; while the shoulder peak of the π→π* transitions of the benzenoid ring in the IP salt at 450 nm increases in intensity. The peak at 320nm red-shifts with decreasing PH value of the aqueous soltio.n, whereas the peak of the π→π * transitions of the benzenoid ring in the radical canon of the lP at 820 nmrn blue-shifts with increasing PH value. The peak at 581 nm, which is attributed to the π→π* transitions of the quinoid ring, disappears when the PAn / PET composite films were treated with HCl solution of pH2.0.The present finding might accelerate the practical use of the PAn / PET composite films as a new functional material.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
chemical polymerization
electrical conductivity
UV-visible absorption spectrum
composite film