To further explore the important role of human sperm glycosphingolipid (hsGSL) in sperm-egg recognition, human sperm gangliosides (hsGls) and neutral glycosphingolipid (hsNGSL) were purified, characterized and quantified with Ladisch and Vance method, HPTLC, and thin layer scaning. LBSA in hsGls (0.18±0.05μg/108 sperm cells) and sphingosine in hsNGSL (0.64±0.10μg/108 sperm cells)were also determined. The results showed that the hsGls composition was found to comprise mainly GM3 (26.93±8.82%), GM2(15.60±3.35%),GD3(28.94±4.02%),GD_(1a)(18.56±3.42%) and GT1b (9.87±1.56%), and the hsNGSL composition was found to comprise mainly CMH (10.95±4.41%), CDH(16.09±2.0%), CTH-1(32.73±0.09%), CTH-2(20.95±3.05%), CQH(11.24±1.74%)and CPH(8.04±0.57%).