本文对RA-C S改性丙烯酸树脂涂饰剂的合成机理及结构性能进行了探讨。RA-CS改性丙烯酸树脂是以多种丙烯酸酯类单体为原料,采用特殊工艺聚合而成的阴离子型乳液,在性能上克服了传统丙烯酸树脂“热粘”、“冷脆”的弱点。经涂饰的成革丰满柔软,耐干、湿擦,适合于各类服装革,软面革的底、中层涂饰,并可与XG-461皮革补伤消光剂配合用于伤残革的补伤。
he synthetic mechanisms and structure properties of Modified Acrylate ResinFinishing Emulsion RA-CS were studied in the paper.The title product, whose raw materials are acrylate monomers, is an anionicemulsion polymerized by a special.method. The disadvantages of acrylate resins , i. e.adhesive when heating and cracked when cooling, have been successfully overcome ,due to the excellent properties. The finishing emulsion, which can make leatherssoft , and also fast to wet and dry rubs ,is suitable for the base and intermediate coatsof all soft and garment leathers. The product can also repair the damaged leathers with the help of Deluster Agent XG-461.
Leather Chemicals