
肝脏能量代谢与手术后多器官衰竭的关系 被引量:5

Hepatic energy metabolism and postoperative organ failure
摘要 作者对169例经历了外科大手术后的患者进行了动脉血酮体比率(KBR)的观测,并与术后临床过程进行了比较分析。根据术后KBR变化将全部患者分为三组:A组102例,术后KBR一直保持于0.7以上;B组61例,术后KBR曾一度降至0.4~0.7;C组6例,术后KBP逐渐下降到0.4以下。术后A组2例发生器官衰竭(2.0%);B组20例发生26个器官衰竭(32.8%).但随KBR的回升并发症亦缓解;而C组6例患者均死于多器官衰竭。作者认为KBR是评价肝脏能量代谢的可靠指标,同时证明肝脏能量代射障碍在多器官衰竭的发生中起到了关键性的作用。 Abstract Postoperative arterial blood ketone body ratio (KBR)was compared with the clinical course in 169 cases undergoing major surgery,all patients were divided into three groups. In group A (102 patients) the KBR was 0. 7 or up. In group B (61 patients) the KBR was temporarily decreased to between O. 4-0.7 and then increased to 0.7 and up. Group C was characterized by persistent low KBR (below0.4). Postoperative organ fail ure developed in 2 patients (2.0% )in group A ,in 20 in group B (32. 8%),and in 6 (100%)in group C,,respectively. It is the authors belief that KBR an indicator of hepatic energy metabolism plays important role in the prognosis of surgical patients.
出处 《普外临床》 CSCD 1994年第6期369-371,共3页
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