The palygorskite-bearing clays of the Xining basin occured in Tertiary systemand consist of clay minerals (illite, palygorskite,chlorite,etc.), carbonate minerals (dolomite, cal-cite)and terrestrial clastic minerals (quartz, feldspar, mica). Based on the study of petrochemistryand statistics the authors have summarized up the variation regularity of palygorskit content in-creasing from east to west and from south to north. The isotbpe composition of carbon-oxygen,high content trace elements and pH value 8.75-9.23 all reflected that the palygorskites wereformed in an environment of fresh to brackish lake,characterized by rich magnesium and pooralkaline. At last the authors described the minerogenic geochemical process and pointed out thedirection to prospect palygorskite deposits.