o accelerate the industrial development of the mountain areas in Guangdong Province is the portant for the economic development in those areas and the modernization of the whole province in the next 2 decades. According to the analysis of the developing conditions, the author makes suggestions as follows: First, carry out an unusual and leap forward developerment strategy, develop resource-oriented industries, especially biological resource-consuming industries, based on the advantages of regional resources, and relying on the advance of science and technique, produce deeply processed and systematized products, enhancing the utilization rate of resoureces. With views to the market, also develop and enhance the market-oriented and high-tech industries. Second, combine intsrnal-extensive with external-extensive reproduction in developing regional economy. Improve the existing enterprises and tap their potentiality on the one hand,invest in new industrial items on the other, building some key enterprises as the regional economic braces, as to promot the development of the regional industry as a whole. Third, adjust and optimize the structure of industries and products, and organize enterprise groups. Fourth, strengthen the coanruction of the basic facilities to improve the investment climate, absorbing more funds from abroad and domestic sources.
Tropical Geography
Mountain areas in Guangdong province
Industrial development