This paper deals with the pelagic molluscs collected in the comprehensive investigation of the western Taiwan Strait (116°40′—120°30′E,22°22.9′—26°43′N) from May 1984 to Feb. 1985. The pelagic molluscs were identified and counted. 34 species were found. Creseis acicula and Limacina trochiformis were dominant species in the survey region. The numbers of both species and total individual increased with increasing temperature. The greatest numbers of the two species cceured in summer in the year. According to the distribution of number, seasonal variation of molluscs and their relation to hydrographical conditions, the pelagic molluscs found in the region can be divided into two ecological groups: curyhaline warm water and hypersaline offshore warm water. Their seasonal succession and quantitative distribution were limited by the movement of l(?)orsl and offshore current systems.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait