本文研究了不同浓度的胜利油田原油和市售0~#柴油的水溶性组分,及英国BP公司生产的油类分散剂对缢蛏(Sinonovacula constrcta)D型面盘浮游幼虫生长的影响,求得了相应的毒性效应指标。
The larvae of S constricta died completely in a concentration of 1.0mg/L and less than 30% in a concentration of 0.1mg/L of oil dispersant within 96h; the larvae died completely in a concentration of 8.7mg/L and below 50% in a concentratation of 0.87mg/L of the wates soluble fraction of diessel within 110h; the larvae died completely in an exposure of 4.5mg/L and less than 30% in an exposure of 0.9mg/L of the water soluble fraction of crude oil. All the survived larvae in the above three cases went well in metamorphsis and growth.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait