There are some determinants of antigens shared by herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2, and cause cross-reaction between the two viruses, which make differentiation diagnosis difficult by serological reactions. In the Study, some Pst I fragments of HSV-2 DNA were cloud into pbluescript SK,two recombinant plasmids, PHSV2-10 ac PHSV2-13 with bens Of 3. 1 and 4. 3 kb respectively,were indicated specinc for HSV-2, another recombinant, PHSV2-1 with insert Of 5. 8kb, was indicated reactive to both of HSV-1 and HSV-2 DNA. pHSV2-13 labelal with Photobiotin was used as Probe to detect 159 genital Specimens by dot-blot hybridhation, 23 were positive and remains were negative.Samples from 12 positive and 4 negative examined were then determined by IFA and the results were the same as dot-blot hybridization. The DNA probes prepared in the Study would be more reliable in detecting HSV or differentiating HSV-1 the HSV-2 infections.