Flower structure is a structural style which is dominantly caused by torsional stress. In seismic sections, positive flower structure is characterized by a reverse fault system, radiating from a centre like a blossoming flower; and negative flower structure generated due to tensionally torsional stress looking like an anticline-shaped structure system with graben faults.In a seismic section, the faults in a flower structure radiate upward and converge downward to cut steeply into the basement. Broom-like structure was generated in an areal tension-tilting tectonic movement. Its faults also radiate upward in a seismic section; but these faults,which show steep upper parts and gentle low parts, form a plough-like fault system nearly tocut into the basement gently. Other geological structures caused due to gravity,such as gravity sliding, plastic formation arching, differential sedimentary compaction, bedrock uplift,formation slumping and antithetic fault structures, are very different from negative flower structure because they are anticline-like systems with graben faults in shallow formations.The negative flower structure is characterized by the major wide faults of slumped anticlinelike structure cutting symmetrically into the basement; and the major fault of graben-anticlinal structure caused due to bedrock arching cutting gently into the basement. Overthrust anticline and fan fold structures were caused by dominant regional compressive force. They are similar to positive flower structure in shallow formations because of their overthrusting character; however,in deep formations,they are different from it because their faults cut the basement with very gentle slope while it cuts steeply the basement. Oil exploration for many year shows that seismic informations are very effective in identifying various geological structures. After a clear ascertainment of structure types, we can determine oil trap types and their distribution, offering reliable geological results for oil exploration and development.
Petroleum Exploration and Development
structural trap
seismic section
flower structure