平菇(Pleurotus sapidus)、香菇(Lentinus edodes)及其融合子后代子实体的细胞学观察表明:平菇、香菇的担子细胞及核分裂行为均属正常,而融合子后代的担子细胞发生异常,其担子细胞顶端出现粗大伸长的担子梗,其中有的形成一个孢子。处于终变期的染色体收缩成小球状,其数目多于双亲染色体,分裂后期出现落后染色体,融合子后代子实体不形成孢子印,镜检发现有少数孢子。融合子所产生的孢子与双亲的孢子相比较,在形态特征及大小上均有较显著的差异。
The cytological observation of fusants progeny fruitbody from intergeneric protoplast fusion of Pleurotus sapidus and Lentinus edodes showed that basidium cells and nucleus division of Pleurotus sapidus and Lentinus edodes were normal. But the basidium cells of fusant were unnormal. An elongated and thick sterigma on the apex of basidium was observed and some of which formed a spore. The chromosomes in diakinesis phase were contracted as a small sphere. While the number of chromosome in the fusants was more than that of their parents and lagging chromosomes were found during mciotic anaphusc. Spore print could not be formed from fruitbody of fusaut progeny althrough a few spores were found under microscope inspection and spores from fusants were different in size and morphology with those from their parents.
Acta Edulis Fungi