
加快我国林业科技成果转化的若干对策 被引量:7

Some Countermeasures Accelerating the Conversionof Forest Sci-tech Achievements in China
摘要 本文在分析了我国林业科技成果的现状和问题后,提出了6条对策:进一步发挥政府和部门的组织、协调、指导、引导作用,加大资金投人力度,建立和完善市场机制,要有一批懂技术、会经营的“复合型”人才,要有一批过得硬、效益大的科技成果,成果转化必须向科技产业方向发展。 Abstract Since the founding of the Reople's Republic of China, the achievements inforest science and technolosy were 3, 624. The awards granted by the central go-vernment were 114, and those by the Ministry of Forestry were 1, 027. Of these achi-evements a lot attained the advanced world level, playing active role in the constructionof forests in China. But due to variety of reasons, the rate of extension was only about30%. Agreat amount of them have not been converted into productive force. How toupgrade the rate of conversion, the paper sugsests 6 countermeasures: 1. The go-vernment and concertied departments are urged to play a role in forest construction inrespect of organization, coordination, direction and guidance. 2. More investment shouldbe put in to form a polielement multi-channel input system with diversified forms soas to raise the level of investment. 3. Market mechanism should be set up and perfected,making the research results marketoriented. 4. Personnel both technically competentand good at business manasement should be brought up. The technical personnel andbusiness managers should be organized to learn business manasement, world trade andinformation management to make them multidisciplined. 5. A lot of scitech achi-evements really effective and highly benefitial should be had. Choice of subjects for aproject, pilot experiment, extension of research results and marketing should be strictlyexamined. Effort must be made to promote the sophisticatedness, adaptability and unitcompatibility of the results. 6. The conversion of scitech achievements should be ori-ented to sci-tech industry so as to promote their economic effects.
作者 黄鹤羽
机构地区 中国林科院
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第2期81-86,共6页 World Forestry Research
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