
长江中上游防护林体系工程建设的现状与发展前景 被引量:1

Review and Outlook for the Projected Constructionof Protective Forest Systems in Middle and UpperReaches of Yangtze River
摘要 为万里长江建起绿色屏障是历史赋予的紧迫任务。近5年来,长江中上游地区亿万人民在各级政府的领导下,以饱满的热情投入“长防林”体系工程的建设。文章介绍了“长防林”体系一期工程建设的任务、目标和工程建设现状,论述了体系建设的技术特点和体系建设后所产生的初步成效,并针对体系建设中存在的主要问题提出了解决的对策。 Abstract The Yangtze River is the first lonsest river in China, and is the third lonsestriver in the world. Areas in ttie valley have better natural conditions, rich resources,solid economic foundation and hish potentials for further development. Irrisationalfarmins system over many years, excessive fellins of forest trees led to drastic decreaseof forest vesetation, and deterioration of ecologic environment. These in turn resultedin serious soil and water loss, emmense silt deposition in lakes and rivers after flooding,and the hish frequency of natural disasters. In1989, the construction of protectiveforests in middle and upper reaches of Yangtze River was ratified by the central go-vernment of China. The duration planned was 3040 years, with the uicreased area ofnew forests to be 20million ha. The project would be completed in two periods. Thefirst period of the forest construction will expire in 2000. Then the forest constructionfor the second period will be orsanized and implemented. The technolosic features ofthis huge project are : (1) adhesion to an unified program with emphasigiplaced on the im-portant areas where serious natural disasters frequently occurred. Priority is set on or-itical points and the project is implemented in separate stases; (2) adhesion to a largescale znanagement of forests largely concentrated and adJoining to each other; (3)persisting in adopting diverse modes of afforestation, with equal importance attached toconstruction and management; (4)persisting in preferins the combination of various cat-egories of forests and various species with emphasis on the unified ecologic, economicand social benefitsi (5) adhesion to the combination of biological measures and en-gineering measures, with the biological ones predominatingl; (6)adhesion to comprehen-sive management of hills, water, field and forest; (7)especially setting priority on thequality of the engineering. After 5 years w effort ,the ecologic environment has improvedmarkedly, to create condition for the farmers to be lifted from poverty as soon as possi-ble, and to favor the forest system 's self cyclins. These enersetically sped up the overallsocial progress in areas where the project was implemented.
作者 刘孟龙 邓侃
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第2期64-70,共7页 World Forestry Research
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  • 1李昌哲,郭卫东.森林植被水源涵养效益的研究[J]林业科学,1986(01).










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