Abstract Japan's carbon industry has a very long history, and its annual production ismore than two million ton. Eighty percent of them is used as household fuel, and therest as industrial raw material. After 1970s , a large part of household fuel has been re-placed by cheap oil, gas , and electricity. Besides, the carbon can be used in cookingfood and tea. Hence , Japanese scientists try to research the new usase of carbon , Thetext is mainly concerned with the summarization of experience in Japan's carbon indus-try and the manner of carbon producting , especially giving practical examples of carbonusage in soil improvement , orchard , golflinks , tea garden,water decontamination, icethawing , humidifying in room, keeping the fruit and vegetable fresh, cultivation ofmushroom , cattle rearing , seafood and arctical material. The text will be very helpful inproducing and using carbon in our country.
World Forestry Research