
小鼠生后卵巢发育的形态学与组织化学研究 被引量:3

The Morphological and Histochemical Study on the Postnatal Development of Mice Overies
摘要 将小鼠分为生后1、5、10、15、20、25、30、35、40d、成体10组,进行不同发育阶段的卵巢形态学和组织化学研究。发现小鼠生后第1d的卵巢含有许多原始卵泡及少量间质,5d卵泡开始生长,10d卵泡膜形成,15d透明带形成,间质腺出现,20d后很多卵泡生长发育,至40d时可见成熟卵泡与黄体。3-β-HSDH与脂类于第10d出现于卵泡膜内层,继而在粒层、间质腺及黄体出现,卵泡膜内层及间质腺随发育而阳性增强。碱性磷酸酶(ALP)在生后1d的初级卵母细胞为阳性,5d变为阴性,10d卵泡膜内层为阳性,以后逐渐增强.亮氨酰氨基肽酶(LNAse)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)及糖原在卵巢分布很广,阳性随发育而增强。 The mice were divided into ten groups. They were sacrificed on 1 st, 5 th, 10 th, 15 th, 20th, 25 th, 30 th, 35 th, 40 th day after birth, and one group was sacrificed after maturation. The murine ovaries were studied by morphological and histochemical methods. On day 1 after birth,there were many primorial follicles and a few stroma in the ovaries. After day 5, follicles began to develop: follicular cells became columnar instead of being simple squamous. The follicular theca was formed on day 10, and follicular cells developed into 2 or 3 layers, named membrana granulosa. Zona pellucida formed. Granulosa cell's mitotic devisions result in six layers of cells, and interstitial glands appeared. From day 20 to maturation, all of the developed interstitial glands, secondary follicles, and atresic follicles could be found. 3-β-HSDH in the theca interna were showed on day 10, then appeared in membrana granulosa, interstitial glands and corpora luteum. Moreovers the action of 3-β-HSDH in the theca interna and interstitial glands increased with the growth. The distribution of lipiole was as same as that of 3-β-HSDH. Alkaline phosphatase locatized in theca interna on day 10 then increased gradually. LNAase, acidic phosphatase and glycogen distributed very wide in overies, and action increased with the growth.
出处 《首都医学院学报》 1994年第1期26-30,共5页
关键词 小鼠 卵巢 形态学 组织化学 mouse ovary morphology histochemistry
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