Compeite Plpeane is d6fined as a Pipeline system ho cormposed of one big pipe and one or several small pipe.Based on the theory of wave-current interaction and physical molel test, the hydsodynaha characteristic of submarinecomghtepipeline in wave- current coexistiong field (both requlat and irtequfor waves) was investignted. The so- called'modified diameter method' iS used for analyzing the in-line hydrodynandc coefficientS of composte peline, which is well related tO KC numbly. The compeison of tested data in regutat and irregular waves shows that in the region of 90> KC >20, the results in these two cases be edied. The effed of water depth was analyzed in detailed. The relationship between Ca, Cm and KC, which is based on the results of Prest rourch, may be used as a reference for engineering aPPlication.
Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics