本文报告五例颈静脉球体瘸(男3例女2例)年令在25~65岁间。按 Hurst's 分型,五例均为鼓室球体瘤型。肿瘤起于中耳。Alford 和 Guilford 分五期,文中0期1例,Ⅰ期1例,Ⅱ期3例,均经手术治疗。经病理诊断,1例伴肉芽及胆脂瘤。本文对中耳肉芽与肿瘤进行鉴别,还对病理误诊原因进行分析。本病预后良好,病人可带瘤长期生存。例1自确诊已随访16年,该病人在手术前 X 线片检查已发现颅底受累,手术后12年出现双颈部肿块。
Five cases of glomus jugular tumors(3 males,2 females)were reported.The agedistribution was form 25 to 65 years.All 5 cases were of glomus tympanicum type,according to Hurst's classification.The tumors arose from the middle ear.Accordingto Alford and Guilford's staging,one case was in stage 0,one in stage 1,and threein stage 2.All of these cases were treated by surgery.The diagnoses were confirmed bypathology.One was associated with granulation and cholesteatoma.The differentialdiagnosis between granulation of the middle ear and the glomus jugulare tumors wasemphasized,the mistakes in pathologic diagnosis were also analyzed.The prognosisof this tumors was good,patients could live for long period with the tumor.Case 1has been followed for 16 years since the diagnosis was established;preoperativeradiographs showed involvement of the base of skull masses in both sides of theneck were noted 12 years after the operation.
Tianjin Medical Journal