本文报告11例左室下后壁并右室梗塞,5例进行了血液动力学检查,(?)均≥(?),同时均有低血压或休克及左心衰竭。11例在右胸及上腹均有2个或以上导联出现QS 或 Qr 波伴有 ST 段↑偏移≥1mm。常规胸前导联大部出现 ST_(v1)↑和 ST_(v2-5)↓。并与229例正常人相应导联心电图作对比。另2例急性下后壁心肌梗塞,并休克和Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞病人,其血液动力学和心电图无右室梗塞的特征性改变,作为对照。
Eleven cases of acute left and right ventricular myocardial infarction were re-ported with hemodynamic studies of 5 of them.All the 5 eases showed (?)≥(?),shock and left ventricular dysfunction.The presence of QS and Qr complex and ST↑≥1mm was in two or more leadsof right side precardial and upper abdominal leads in ECG in all 11 cases.ECG rou-tine preeardial leads of the majority of 11 cases showed STv1↑and STv2-v5↓.Thesechanges were markedly contrasted to those of 229 normal persons in QRS complexand ST-segment.Another 2 cases of acute left ventricular inferior myocardial infarction withshock and complete atrial-ventricular block showed the absence of hemodynamic andECG characteristics of right ventricular infarction were also reported as contr ast.
Tianjin Medical Journal