对50例正常人和100例冠心病人进行了心电图自行车运动试验,采用心率-收缩压乘积与常规 ST 段下移标准作对比。结果:冠心病人运动前后心率-血压乘积差值明显低于正常人(P<0.001),其诊断冠心病的敏感性、特异性和诊断符合率分别为80%、44%和68%。认为该指标是运动试验诊断冠心病的较好辅助指标。
In 50 normal persons and 100 patients with coronary artery disease(CAD),bicy-cle exercise testing was performed,comparing systolic pressure-heart rate production(PRP)with ST segment deopression.The results showed that the difference ofPRP in patients with CAD was significantly lower than that of normals(P<0.001).The sensitivity,specificity and diagnostic accuracy of the difference of PRP indiagnosing CAD was 84%,44% and 68%,respectively.The difference value of PRPwas a good useful index during exercise testing for the diagnosis of CAD.
Tianjin Medical Journal