通过对21例正常妇女血 LH、BBT、CM、CM 结晶及超声显像检测卵池发育来观察CM 与它们之间的关系,发现:1.BBT 升高是在 CM 峰之后;2.血 LH 峰前后 CM 变化明显,粘液峰日拉丝可长达16cm,以血 LH 峰为0天,21例妇女粘液峰在0天有10例,+1天8例,+2天2例,+3天1例;3.粘液峰日,CM 涂片可见典型羊齿植物叶状结晶,峰后1~2天则为细胞型椭圆小体;4.粘液峰到来时,卵泡直径平均为21.41mm,峰后1~2天排卵完成;5.CM 峰和体温上升前最低点比 LH 峰迟现1天,6.21例正常妇女 CM 峰值(CM 拉丝长度)出现的日期与 LH 峰值出现日期之间呈极密切正相关,r=0.96,P<0.005。测得21例妇女 CM 峰与血 LH 峰后的排卵时间一致,说明以 CM 作为自然避孕排卵指标具有科学性。
21 normal women's plasma LH,BBT,CM and CM crystals were measured andthe development of follicles monitored with ultrasonography.The results of thestudy showed (1) BBT rose following the CM peak day.(2) CM changed signifi-cantly after the plasma LH peak day and on the CM peak day the CM could be stre-tched as long as 16 cm without its breaking.If the plasma peak day was consideredas day 0,among the 21 women,10 had CM peak on day 0,8 on day 0+1, 2 on day0+2 and 1 on day 0+3.(3) On the CM peak day,CM scone showed a typical ferningcrystal and on the following 1~2 days the scone picture changed.(4) On the CMpeak day,the diameter of follicles averaged at 21.41mm and the occurrence ofovulation was on the following 1~2 days.(5) CM peak and the lowest temperaturebefore BBT rose one day later than plasma LH peak in the study cycles.(6) TheCM peak and plasma LH peak in the study cycles had a strong positive correlation(r=0.96,P<0.005).The consistency of the plasma LH peak day and CM peak day indicated that asa natural family planning method,the CM can precisely and scientifically predictthe occurrence of ovulation.
Tianjin Medical Journal