本文对28例隐性脐带脱垂进行胎心率电子监护46例次,其中阳性率92.8%,符合率为100%,假阴性率7.2%。阳性中有20例出现可变性减缓和晚期减缓(71.4%)。通过对图型的分析可见,W 型和 U 型波为最多见,共26例(92.8%),此类波型临床上以脐带受压为多见。观察其分娩后胎儿发育情况、脐带情况、羊水是否被胎便污染及 Apgar 评分等与波型的关系,并讨论其临床意义。作者认为 CST 或 NS-CST 是可以作为估计围产儿预后的良好指标。
The 46 external monitorings of fetal heart rate in 28 cases of presentation funiswere reported.The positive rate was 92.8% with an consistency of 100%,the pseu-donegative 7.2%.A total number of 20 cases(71.4%)with variable deceleration andlate deceleration were observed.Among them W and U waves were seen in 26 moni-torings(92.8%),mostly due to cord compression.The relationship among the monitor waves,the fetal growth,umbilical cord,na-ture of the amnionic fluid,Apgars score,etc,immediately after delivery was ana-lyzed and the clinical significance was dissussed.It was suggested that NS-CST orCST could be used as a good monitoring criterion for perinates.
Tianjin Medical Journal