The propagation of shock wave induced by supernovae is reconsidered by taking into account the energy loss due to thermal radiation. At the early stage of the shock, the radiative energy loss can be considered as perturbation. We have derived out the first order equations for the distributions of velocity, density and pressure in the shock. Numerical solution shows that due to this perturbation, the central pressure in the shock will be prominently reduced with time. While the central pressure becomes negligible, the propagation of the shock is effectively driven-free. So, we redefined the starting time τA, of the effectively driven-free stage as the time while the central pressure is reduced to the half of its initial value. Then we found that till the time τA,the energy loss only amounts to about 10% of its initial value.This result tells that it is an overestimation to take the time while half of the initial energy has been lost as the starting time of the. effectively driven-free stage.